About myself

My name is Christoph Schaefer and I am living in switzerland. After my study of chemistry I focussed on molecular genetics at the Max Planck Institut in Berlin (my place of birth) germany. Afterwards I relocated to switzerland and since almost 25 years I worked, first in research at the university, later in medical institutions and now for the diagnostic industry. Currently I integrate this new technological knowledge and my commercial experiences into an international acting company.

In order to compensate my effords in the microcosmos of the molecular nanoworld, I am interested to look to the opposite, namely the macrocosmos at the sky. In between are my love for my wife Ann with Dounia, my three wonderful children David. Lea-Nora, Janek and fine arts...

Since 2005 I approach the fascinating hobby `astronomy` by intensive studies of literature, building my own observatory named `Himmelwarte`, collecting and testing astronomical accessories. Being mainly interested in the CCD astrophotography and taking advantage of exspecially high quality russian optical equipment (Intes, Lomo). The various setups are described or shown in the technical section of my homepage and are, of course, just my personal point of view...

Thanks to all those, who freely exchange their knowledge in this fascinating hobby and my wife Ann for her warm interest and support...

(C) 2006 - All rights reserved

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